Saturday, September 18, 2010

B for biscuit...

2nd week of Mommy School and we went on an adventure to the Bokkie Park, Made a Blast experiment, coloured in all the bugs in the garden, and thought of all the balls we could. but the ultimate "B" activity was baking biscuits! what made me a really proud mama bear (that starts with B too) is that they REALLy did these by themselves! Can't wait to C what will happen next week!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Here we go again...

So my Noah & Hannah are "mommy schooling" until the end of the year- Its been an amazingly interesting 2 weeks and made me think of the good 'ol days when this is what mums did.
 We've been having loads of fun and my kidz are learning! Its fabulous heading to a store or watching a TV program with Hannah saying hey mommy thats and "A" or Noah showing me all the letter "B"'s he can find.- Having them apply simple maths in everyday life is so much fun for them- especially when they get it right...

But its been ultimatley rewarding for me...Understanding my children and seeing what potential they have- how they view things... If any mums get a chance to do this-try it start with the ABc's and 123's!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

just those moments

there seems to be those moment that make you stop and ponder life, love and everything else. Generally it birthdays, funerals and perhaps Christmas time for some...
I had the opportunity to celebrate my little Hannah-Mia's 4th Birthday recently and had a "moment"...
Life... how different is life for her than it was for me? People say we look alike so are our experiences of life going to be the same?
Love... I can see how much I love my God in Hannah-Mia and how she must stir His heart by just being Hannah-Mia Smith...she does it to me so often...Looking at her also makes me realise how much I love my husband...
Hannah-Mia Smith
Everything else...well you'll have to keep checking back to this blog to find the out the "everything else"...